by Aaron Styles
I’ve been asked many questions about the yoga teacher training program I offer in Albany, NY. One of the most popular questions I receive from potential students is “Do you think I’m ready?”. I always give the same reply: Of course! You don’t need to have an advanced practice in order to benefit from or even participate in a 200-hour yoga training. A 200-hour training gives you a foundation from which to build.
There are a number of reasons to sign up for a yoga teacher training course. Let’s go over just a few of them!
1. Enhance Your Asana Practice
Some people embark on a yoga teacher training program with the intention to teach while some people are simply looking to enhance their own personal practice. During training you gain a much deeper understanding of how and why to do certain yoga postures. You learn to refine your alignment to suit your unique anatomical structure.
When I completed my 200-hour training I was amazed to see how many different ways postures could be modified. I was asked to choose three different postures that I wanted to work on refining or advancing into. It was really motivating to see how much improvement I made just during the course of the training.
2. Learn More About Yoga Then You Even Knew Existed
Did you know that yoga is over 5,000 years old? WOWZA! There is much more to yoga than just postures. The philosophy of yoga and Patanjali’s 8-Limb Path give you a foundation from which to live your life. During training you will embrace yoga in all its forms. Completing a teacher training will give you the tools to live yoga on and off of the mat. I gained a much deeper appreciation for yoga during the course of my initial 200-hour training. There have been many leaders in the history of yoga who have helped to influence the yoga we practice today.
3. Improve Your Confidence
Most yoga trainings will require that you practice teaching during training even if you don’t plan on teaching afterwards. Taking the lead of the teacher can be awkward and scary at first. With practice you will gain more confidence speaking to groups and embracing a leadership role. Aside from teaching, you’ll often be mingling and interacting with the other students in your group.
After my 200-hour training I felt much more confident in all my abilities and I discovered a new sense of personal empowerment. I learned how to express myself freely. I no longer feel awkward or shy when interacting with others.
4. Create Friendships & A Sense Of Community
While completing a yoga teacher training program is very much a personal journey, you’ll have a number of other students in your training with whom you’ll share your experience. You’ll help each other out through the hard times and laugh together during the good times. You’ll create more than just intimate relationships – you’ll create a family.
Stay connected with as many people from your training as possible. Create a private social media group to stay in communication. Become mentors to one another. Share advice, stories, experiences, and knowledge. You can learn a lot from your fellow students.
5. Experience Transformation
So you’ve heard that completing a yoga teacher training can be a life changing experience? I’d have to agree. It will require your attention and self discipline but the reward for your efforts will be profound. Discover more about yourself and watch the transformation unfold. With your new discovered knowledge there’s a great chance you’ll see improvements in all aspects of your life. There is a never ending amount of yoga knowledge to be absorbed. Learn from a variety of teachers, try different styles, and follow your interests.
Receiving my 200-hour training certificate gave me a sense of purpose and direction in my life. It gave me the motivation I needed to make a shift in my career path. I found my passion and was so excited to go out and share it with the world. I now work as a full time yoga instructor and educator. I continue to follow my passion for knowledge and learn as much as I can.